Goldsmith rows with drug makers and fights doubt over quality of cortisone pills
Mr Jimmy Goldsmith comes home with Isabel Patino’s child
James Goldsmith moves to London
Premium on Procea
James buys shares in Procea Products as chairman of Lanord, major shareholder of 20 per cent
Derby Day Dinner Dance in £12500 marquee
James hosts dinner with large marquee, frustrates new neighbours
Bakery Firm Bid planned by Jimmy
James plans takeover bid for Procea bakery company, Procea, Slimcea and Nutrex
Another slice for –
James takeover bid for Procea
New Set-up for Goldsmith Group
Goldsmith group merges food and confectionary companies into group
Too much moaning about Cavenham
Cavenham Foods share performance, new Bristol factory
Singleton and Cole merger
Cavenham Foods merger with Singleton and Cole
Cavenham Move Opposed
Opposition to Cavenham Foods merger with Singleton and Cole
Cavenham and Singleton
Meeting between companies on proposed merger
Cavenham Foods – Singleton and Cole
Goldsmith urges employees to vote on merger
Singleton and Cole demands realistic offer
Singleton and Cole send letter to shareholders re. merger
New 1.4 million bid for Singleton
New negotiations for takeover bid for Singleton and Cole
The Big Time for Cavenham
Cavenham confectionary merges with Perrier (French firm)
A sharp setback for Cavenham Foods
Cavenham Foods likely to report substantial loss
The Poor Man’s Way to Big Business
Cavenham Confectionary does less well
Cavenham Warning on Deal Effects
Cavenham accounts adversely affected by sale of wholesaling activities
Cavenham Foods lose 0.5 mill
Cavenham profits fall
Cavenham expands retail side
Cavenham acquires Anabbs Ltd from Davies Shops (confectionary, tobacco, news agencies)