In speech to Food Manufacturers Federation Convention, James Goldsmith forecasts food shortages and criticises Government mismanagement of agricultural industry
Category: Thinker: Politics & Economics
We must concentrate on survival
Transcript of James Goldsmith’s speech to Food Manufacturers Federation
Are you ready for rationing?
Article written by James Goldsmith on food shortages, financial crisis and risk of recession
Old School Ties
James Goldsmith speaks against a society based on class, preferring society based on ability
Union chiefs out of touch
James Goldsmith speech stating union leaders out of touch with views of unionists, urges changes to education, industry and politics
Poison in Food
Statement to British Nutrition Foundation
Not enough milk from UK farmers
Goldsmith cites need for sustainable dairy in UK
Three vital ways Parliament must change if it is really to represent us all
Article by Goldsmith that calls for changes on representation in Parliament
“Three vital ways Parliament must change if it is really to represent us all”
Goldsmith hits at mad world of giant firms
James Goldsmith tells small business conference that freedom of choice would suffer if small businesses are taken over by larger corporations
Goldsmith tells small firms to fight back
James Goldsmith tells small business conference that freedom of choice would suffer if small businesses are taken over by larger corporations
Loss of Freedom
Class war, reducing scope for entrepreneurship
Britain a rotting cocoon Goldsmith tells Americans
Goldsmith says British industry is being crippled and reduced scope for entrepreneurship
Sir James attacks
Goldsmith says British industry is being crippled and reduced scope for entrepreneurship
Citizens not serfs
James Goldsmith writes piece on class war, public sector, British industry and reduction on the scope for entrepreneurship
The Balance Between the Productive Sector and Social Sector
National Convention of the Food Manufacturers Federation
“The Balance Between the Productive Sector and Social Sector”
A Diagnosis and Some Proposed Medication
Speech given at the annual convention of Institute of Directors 1979
Self-sufficiency in food is answer to survival
James Goldsmith speech to Food Manufacturers Federation urges Britian to be self-sufficient in food production
The American Counter Revolution
Speech given at the annual dinner of the Harvard School Business club
Far Left Infiltration
Article in the Guardian, July 23, 1981
Finlandisation of Europe
Article in the Wall Street Journal 20/02/83 on political situation in Europe (Germany and France)