Goldsmith purchases more than 1.2 million Crown Zellerbach shares, raising holding to nearly 25 per cent, and questions restructuring plan
“Goldsmith increases stake in Crown Zellerbach by 4.5 percent”
Goldsmith purchases more than 1.2 million Crown Zellerbach shares, raising holding to nearly 25 per cent, and questions restructuring plan
“Goldsmith increases stake in Crown Zellerbach by 4.5 percent”
General Oriental raises stake in Zellerbach
“Goldsmith increases stake in Crown Zellerbach to 19.6 percent”
Zellerbach’s chairman claims shareholders support current board, Goldsmith contends holders voted to give his partnership minority representation on board
Goldsmith does not win boards on Crown Zellerbach board at annual meeting
Goldsmith triggers poison-pill rights issued by Crown Zellerbach by buying more stock to take him over 20 percent threshold, potentially blocking a merger with another company
Goldsmith boosts stake in Zellerbach to more than 20 percent, casts doubt on poison pill defense
Zellerbach concedes poison pill is irreversible, Goldsmith says it will hurt restructuring programme
Crown Zellerbach chairman William Creson urges Goldsmith not to interfere with will of Crown’s shareholders, Goldsmith drops bid
Aspinall Holdings lifts profits by 86 per cent
Goldsmith triggers poison-pill rights issued by Crown Zellerbach by buying more stock to take him over 20 percent threshold, potentially blocking a merger with another company
Goldsmith and Crown Zellerbach agree to cooperate on restructuring, providing Goldsmith is elected to the board
Goldsmith and Crown Zellerbach agree to cooperate on restructuring, providing Goldsmith is elected to the board
Goldsmith and Crown Zellerbach agree to cooperate on restructuring, providing Goldsmith is elected to the board
Goldsmith and Crown Zellerbach agree to cooperate on restructuring, providing Goldsmith is elected to the board
Goldsmith and Crown Zellerbach agree to cooperate on restructuring, providing Goldsmith is elected to the board
Analysis of poison pill defense
Statement by Goldsmith to the Subcommittee on securities of the committee of banking, housing and urban affairs US Senate June 12, 1985
Analysis of Goldsmith bid for control of Zellerbach, after election to board
Analysis of Goldsmith bid for control of Zellerbach, after election to board
Goldsmith’s rise to being one of the highest-paid executives in United States