Speculation Goldsmith may aquire electrical retailer Dixons with acquisition vehicle Anglo Leasing
Category: Businessman: Investor
Goldsmith sells US store chain
Goldsmith to sell Grand Union for 1.25bn as part of new focus on Europe
Knight’s gambit puts RHM in check
Speculation foods group Ranks Hovis McDougall is Goldsmith’s Anglo Leasing first takeover target
BAT megabid by Goldsmith faces hurdles
Goldsmith, Rothschild and Kerry Packer make 13bn break-up bid for BAT industries
Goldsmith heads BAT smoke-out
Speculation on BAT buyer
Goldsmith opens biggest UK bid battle
Goldsmith, Rothschild and Kerry Packer make 13bn break-up bid for BAT industries
Goldsmith’s bid for BAT has good chance of winning UK government’s go-ahead
Government support expected for Goldsmth’s 13.2bn bid for BAT
“Goldsmith’s bid for BAT has good chance of winning UK government’s go-ahead”
Goldsmith’s bid unleashes takeover fever in London
Goldsmith’s 13.2bn bid for BAT expected to trigger more takeovers
13.2 bn bid for BAT stuns city
Goldsmith, Rothschild and Kerry Packer make 13bn break-up bid for BAT industries
Goldsmith woos institutions, lines up allies for BAT bid
Goldsmith seeks support from UK institutional investors and other allies for BAT bid
Society of Catalysts explains its plan to unbundle BAT
Rothschild and Goldsmith clarify motivations for BAT takeover and plans to unbundle BAT
Ex-foes BAT, Farmers combine efforts, tactics against Goldsmith
Farmers declare alliance with BAT to oppose takeover
“Ex-foes BAT, Farmers combine efforts, tactics against Goldsmith”
Storming a British blue-chip
Detail on Goldsmith, Rothschild and Kerry Packer’s 13bn break-up bid for BAT industries
Goldsmith goes on offensive in US over his BAT bid
Goldsmith asks federal courts to take away from nine states jurisdiction over the US insurance issues in his bid for BAT
Goldsmith plays down issue of debt in offer for BAT
Goldsmith states BAT could repay 11bn takeover debt within a year
BAT breakup could be in the offing
Counterbid BAT proposals point to breaking up BAT
Hoylake’s bid for BAT faces legal wrangle in US courts
Goldsmith’s Hoylake group in legal wrangle with California insurance regulators, threatens to delay BAT takeover bid
Bat’s cut-price conundrum
More detail on potential BAT break-up
Goldsmith attacks BAT record
Goldsmith criticises BAT record and strategy and reveals additional investors for Hoylake’s bid
Goldsmith team savages BAT chiefs
Goldsmith criticises BAT record and strategy and reveals additional investors for Hoylake’s bid